January 19, 2008

Visit Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta (some people call it Jogja, Jogjakarta, or Yogya) is a city with outstanding historical and cultural heritage. Yogyakarta was the centre of the Mataram Dynasty (1575-1640), and until now the kraton (the sultan's palace) exists in its real functions. Yogyakarta, also Djokjakarta, city in southwestern Indonesia, on the island of Java, near the Indian Ocean. Before 1945 there is 2 region (Kraton Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat and Kadipaten Pakualaman) in that place. Then After declaration of independence of Indonesia in 17th August 1945 this two region coalescing and become a province of Indonesia known as “Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta”. The city served as the provisional national capital until 1950, when it was replaced by Jakarta. Now Yogyakarta divide into 5 regency : Sleman, Yogyakarta, Bantul, Kulonprogo and Gunung Kidul.

More than the cultural heritages, Yogyakarta has beautiful natural panorama. The green rice fields cover the suburban areas with a background of the Merapi Mountain. The natural beaches can be easily found to the south of Yogyakarta. This mount has typical explode and the beache has many caves makes this place be a good place to have a reseaches. Here the society lives in peace and has typical Javanese hospitality. Just try to go around the city by bike, pedicab, or horse cart; and you will find sincere smiles and warm greeting in every corner of the city.
An artistic atmosphere is deeply felt in Yogyakarta. Malioboro, as the center of Yogyakarta, is overwhelmed by handicraft from all around the city. Street musicians always ready entertain the visitors of the “lesehan” food stalls.
The city of Borobudur, famed for the ruins of a magnificent 9th-century Buddhist temple, is easily accessible from Yogyakarta. The village of Prambanan on Java in Indonesia has the remains of many ancient Hindu temples. The Thousand Temples, shown here, were built in the mid-9th century during the Sailendra dynasty. More than 200 minor shrines dot the local landscape.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (1949) and the Islamic University of Indonesia (1945) are here. A lot of university, academy, high school, secondary school, and elementary school are here. In every corner of this city you can find a student. It is the reason why people called this city a “student City”.
You can easily go to Yogyakarta by train, bus or by airplane. Recently, international direct flights from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur are established to Yogyakarta. In addition, domestic flights to Yogyakarta from Jakarta, Denpasar, Balikpapan, and many others, are available now. Those who have visited Yogyakarta reveal that this city makes them long for it. Just visit here, then you will understand what this means.

January 11, 2008

General knowleges about Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta Special Region (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, DIY) is officially one of Indonesia's 33 provinces. Yogyakarta has been best described as a "Never Ending Asia”, “Java's cultural heart", the "soul city of Java", "student city" and so on. This province is in java island. In north of this city there is Mount Merapi, beautiful active mountain that has unique explode. We can go to Kaliurang or Kaliadem, cold and beautiful place in the hill of this mountain and meet "mbah Maridjan" . in south there is Indian Ocean. Beautiful beachs are there, such as Parangtritis, Krakal, Kukup etc.. Mark of this city is "tugu jogja" see in pic.. A lot of place in this beautiful city is nice to see. You can visit the impressive Sultan's Palace (the Kraton) under the watchful, but friendly eyes, of a hundred palace guards in their traditional and distinctive uniforms. You can tour its bustling markets and avenues and purchase arts and crafts created by Java's finest craftsmen and painters. Once you've seen enough of modern Java, you can then head for the countryside and marvel at some of ancient Asia's grandest wonder - the great 8th to 10th century Hindu and Buddhist temples of Prambanan, Borobudur and their subsidiary candis (temple) and shrines that dot the Javanese countryside.
It is the cultural centre of the Javanese ethnic group, and the centre for a rich agricultural region, producing rice, sugar cane, and tobacco. The chief industries are batik textiles, handicrafts, and tourism. It lies on the Jakarta–Surabaya railway via south region.. It is the cultural center of Java, known for its artistic life, particularly its drama and dance festivals and handicraft industries. Yogyakarta is one of the foremost cultural centers of Java and rich of culture, such as :“tari Bedoyo” ( Bedoyo dance), ketoprak, and wayang kulit ( leather puppet) .

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